Found in:citrus and other fruits, berries, and vegetables Benefits: protects against free radicals, boosts collagen Product: Performance Collagen
Found in:Magnolia officinalis and grandiflora Benefits: anxiety and stress relief, sleep enhancement Product: DHH-B
Found in:fruits, vegetables, parsley, celery Benefits: heart health, eased anxiety and depression, improved mood Product: Apigen
Found in:tangerines, oranges, and lemons Benefits: anti-inflammatory, metabolic health, anti-cancer properties Product: Sytrinol LNA
Found in:butter and other animal fats Benefits: supports immune health, improved gastrointestinal health Product: nuButyrate
Found in:Poultry, red meats, fish and shrimp Benefits: supports muscle health, bone mass, fertility Product: AKG+
Found in:red wine, peanuts, grapes, berries Benefits: antioxidant, supports metabolism Product: Leusynergy
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